Where's MY Tea Room?!
Godol Hador puts out a funny post that just makes my stomach rumble even louder! I feel it necessary to post something for my fellow Jews who have to miss all the zoo trips and go into the office on Chol HaMoed (now really, which would you prefer?).
Working on Succos always presents a challenge because you need to find a place that has a succa to eat. But usually those places can be found. This is New York after all. On the other hand, Pesach (pronounced Peh-sach, not Pay-sach) presents a whole different challenge. Obviously, you're limited to bringing food from home since mir misht nisht. The question is, what foods can you bring in while at the same time manage to limit the curious questions and comments from the co-workers? I don't have my own office (we're in an open environment) and have no desire to munch on matza shmeared with jelly or cream cheese while everyone asks me to stop making so much noise so that they can work.
So instead, I brought a yogurt and some selzter and starved. Dignity before satiation.