Thursday, January 20, 2005

Take a deep breath

For all the masses out there waiting with baited breath for my next post, not to worry. It's just been hectic in the office.

Ok, fine. I also don't have anything to write, but fear not, I'll be back.


At 10:33 PM, Blogger Air Time said...

It's time to come clean. Your wife found the blog and now you don't have any internet privileges anymore.

At 11:38 AM, Blogger Just Passing Through said...

it's nice to be missed.
Actually no. I don't think I've posted anything yet that would require secrecy. I've honestly just been busy and don't have much to write. But your comment stirs the itch again.

At 10:13 PM, Blogger and so it shall be... said...

Jeez! Will you just post something...anything. I'm losing faith.

At 12:25 AM, Blogger Air Time said...

Here's a true story, and seriously, i am only posting to prove a point...and maybe to remember some good times...

About 12 years ago I was going out with this girl. She didn't end up being "the one" so that gives you a pretty good idea who I'm talking about.

Anyway, they say a gentleman never tells, but it has been a 12 years, so here goes.

We were standing in her kitchen, talking. She said she had an itch between her legs. I asked her if I could scratch it for her. As you might imagine, the next few hours (oh to be young again) were spent in pleasurable limb-entangling embraces and what not.

What, you might ask does this have to do with your blog?

If you don't scratch that writing itch immediately you might miss out on that opportunity for something good to happen.

At 4:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's hilarious. LOL.


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