Thursday, December 30, 2004

More tsunami video's

Are you wondering what 117,000 looks like?

Here's some more links to tsunami video's and pictures. Some of these are unbelievable.
Cheese and Crackers
Some Pictures

You can't fathom the power of this event. You can follow these to even more. I guess I'm not the only one looking for these because it may be a little slow in loading.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Tsunami Footage

I don't know about you, but I have this morbid fascination with disaster. I almost got killed on 9/11 because, being the idiot that I am, while everyone is trying to get as far away as possible, I had to get closer and closer. Which kinda sucked for me when the building came down. But that's a whole 'nother story. Maybe one day I'll post it. I've always meant to write it down for posterity but never did. Now, 4 years later, I'm sure my imagination will add to the story.

So if I was in Sri Lanka (who knew it was really pronounced "Shri"??) or in Thailand (ok. I knew before that the 'H' was silent. Thigh-Land?? No wonder all the westerners flock there!) there's no question in my mind that I'd be grabbing the camera and running down to the beach to see how close I could get. I'd be in the thick of it all and would probably be dead. I just don't learn. But if they found my camera, there'd probably be some cool pictures.

Speaking of which, here are some video's.

Take your help and shove it.

Why are we such soft-hearted morons?!

A disaster strikes across the world and Israel is among the first to respond and offer aid. And they’re not just going through the motions by sending a few bags of rice and some bottles of water. Of all countries, they probably know best as to what’s needed and have the know-how to hit the ground running to coordinate rescue and relief. They put together 18 TONS of supplies, medical teams, medicine, IDF Rescue Team with 80 TONS of aid material and what’s the response? “We’ll take the material, but no people please.” No Jews allowed, but we’ll take your stuff.


As far as I’m concerned, if I’m not good enough for you, neither are my blankets, medicine, water or rescue equipment. Now I’m all for helping people out, but if you’d rather let your people rot and bloat in the sun than have some Jews help, be my guest. I’ll keep my stuff and use it to help people that like me. Maybe the next time you actually vote FOR us in the UN, then we’ll think about helping your bloated ass. Now that I think of it, I seem to have misplaced the blankets you sent when our buses were being bombed. When I find them, I’ll send them back.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Idiot Skool?

For some reason the agents just aren't returning my calls. That's just because they wouldn't know talent if it bit them in the ass.

Well, I got another comment. I have I feeling I know who you are Still Wonderin. Thanks for stopping by!

While I always have lot's of shit going through my head at any given moment-some of it partially coherent, I can't think of anything profound to add. Maybe I'm just not meant to write. In the meantime, I'll try to continue to post links.

Media 90. Check this site out.

Here's a funny story.

I can't remember what store it happened in, but it was either a Border's, CVS or a ShopRite. Judging from the caliber of the employees they hire, I'd lean towards CVS. But then again, with that criteria, it may have been my local Home Depot.

Anyhoooo, at the checkout, when I presented my credit card to pay, she looked at the back and noticed that I didn't have the card signed. I usually don't like signing my credit cards and would rather show ID when asked. In this case, probably just 'cuz she was such an idiot, she insisted I sign the card in front of her. (Nevermind that she didn't ask for ID to prove the card was mine.) So I signed the damn card to keep her from getting pissed off. She then proceeds to finish ringing me up, prints out the receipt and gives it to me to sign. I sign the receipt. She then takes it, holds it up next to the credit card and then totally freaks me out when she compares the signatures! Where do they find these people? I have idea's, but I'll be nice.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

I need an agent.

Wow. Someone actually commented. I'm famous!!

I'm a Brown-Noser

Holiday cheer is here whether you like it or not. Conform or be cast out.

So I went to the company store to buy a little something for my boss and for the Guy That Kinda Reports To Me. My boss cuz she's actually a good boss and I figured I'd show it, and the Guy Who Kinda Reports To Me, cuz maybe then I can have him do more stuff.

I got the boss a nice silver-looking memo pad holder and the Guy That Kinda Reports To Me an umbrella. Maybe now he won't keep that cheesy red umbrella by his desk anymore. I gave it to them yesterday, a few days early, lest it be said I celebrate Christmas.

Their reactions?
Boss: Aww. That was really nice. Thank you for thinking of me. (Yes. I know. There's some brown stuff on my nose I need to clean)
Guy Who Kinda Reports To Me: wow, thanks. Now I feel bad that I didn't get you anything.

OK. You're fired.

How does this work?

Still trying to figure out how I can link to some of the other blogs I read frequently. I see most people have some sort of list on the right side.

While I'm at it, maybe I'll figure out how to get some sort of site-meter so I can verify that no one's seen this site yet.

Monday, December 20, 2004

Nominate ME!!

Long Live Reb Yudel Krinsky King Moshiach!

Ani Ma'amin

My shul hosted Rabbi Skobac as a scholar-in-residence this past Shabbos. Rabbi Skobac heads up the Toronto office of Jews For Judaism. Over the course of Shabbos, he presented topics about the 'Jews For Jesus' movement and why they are so successful as well some history of the Christian world and how Christianity evolved into the religion as we know it today.

A couple of things stuck in my mind. He began by giving background about the various Christian groups and explained how it's really only the conservative/rightist Protestant groups that give a damn about converting Jews. The rest are not as 'frum' to care and (in my opinion) too busy looking for young boys. He then made sure to explain that their missionary work is not based on any animosity towards the Jewish people. They really and honestly feel that they should help the 'people of the book' and show them the right way. In fact, and this is ever so apparent today, the conservative Christian groups can be counted on, more so than most western Jews, to support the Jewish state and Jewish causes. And this is not because they have a hidden agenda. Think about it and do your research. When time are really tough in Israel, the religious Jews and the conservative Christians are the only ones making the effort.

He also spoke about the origins of Christianity and explained (with sources from the NT) how Christianity was originally a bunch of frum yidden with the belief that Jesus was moshiach. Misguided, but not heretic. They kept Shabbos, kashrus, taharas hamishpacha, learnt torah, etc. In fact, when Paul advocated loosening the mitzvos in order to attract more converts, he was strongly denounced. While he's talking about all this, I'm thinking of the articles I read in the NYPost and DailyNews only last week. Seems like deja vu all over again. What I'm curious about is why the general Orthodox rabbinate does not come out again all these guys. I'm talking about their kashrus not being trusted, their inclusion in a minyan not being counted, their attendance in frum schools being denied. What's the difference between Joe Shmo saying he's frum but believes Jesus was mashiach and Menachem Mendel being frum and saying the Rebbe is coming back?? I see none other than one drinking more vodka than the other.

Get Farked

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Seraphic Secret

I've been reading Robert Avrech's blog for quite a while now and I rarely leave without something stirring in my chest. He writes from the heart and straight into yours. He's recently moved it all to Spend some time there and you won't walk away empty.

Friday, December 17, 2004

Air Time Syndicated

Well, the itch still seems to be there. Let's scratch a bit more.

I want to say hey to another newbie. This guy can write. I've know him for years and never knew he was funny until he began sending out weekly 'newsletters' to his friends. I still have all his old stuff and maybe one day I'll post it. I'm sure he really wants me to do that.

After a long hiatus, he recently sent out another one last week. Since I've been reading a lot of blogs lately, I told him he HAD to start. I'm sure his hit count will take off in no time. Check him out. He'll be big one day so let the record show: I put him here.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Scratching the Itch

After spending much time on the sidelines reading many blogs, I was finally ready to post a comment. Thing is, I was forced to create a blog in order to do so. So here we are.

I've come to the conclusion that I can't write for crap. How can any self-respecting blogger write for the masses (who knows..) when he can't stand reading what he wrote or can't think of anything remotely worth writing? So for the time being, I think I'll just link to cool or interesting posts I see elsewhere. Consider it a public service.

Here's my first.

I've been reading DovBear for a while and enjoy his writing. Here's a post from today: Torah Only

For all I know, this will be the end of this itch called blogging. I hope you enjoyed the scratch.